Friday, 2 August 2013

God can heal

Room2 has fun learning about how God heals. 

This photo shows everyone's hands and the world.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Tom's Jigsaw Puzzle

What is the mystery instrument. Do the jigsaw puzzle to find out what it was. Please leave us a comment below with your answer.

Please scatter the pieces again when you finish.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Friday, 14 June 2013

Willow's thoughts about ICT

Sam's Jigsaw Puzzle

We have jobs in our classroom what do you think is happening? Do the Jigsaw Puzzle to see what it is. Please comment to answer.

Please scatter the pieces once you have finished.

Sport equipment by Joshua

sport equipment

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Travelling connect

At travelling connect we  learnt about what new stuff was going on in the library and what new books are in the library like new CDs and other stuff.
It was really fun. 😀😀😃😀😃😀😃😀

Dog safety by Willow

dog safety

Willow's Jigsaw Puzzle

On  Tuesday and Thursday Room 2 does Drama. Do the jigsaw puzzle to find out what freeze frame we are doing.

Please scatter the pieces again when you are finished.

Cole's thoughts on blogging

Monday, 10 June 2013

Sam on Fonterra's Milk in Schools

Sam's thoughts about the NET Programme

Brydie's jigsaw puzzle

On Thursday we went to Drama. Do the jigsaw puzzle to find out what the freeze frame was. Please leave us a comment below with what you think we might be doing.

Please scatter the pieces again when you finish.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Adam's Motto about learning

Learning can be awesome. You can learn math and read learning is awesome.

Always try hard never give up. You try hard and you're smart.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

About ICT blog

Learning how to make blogs.
I learnt how to make a blog one of those things I did was upload pictures it was very fun to do.

Learning how to blog.

Looking at the TV
learning how to blog.
Today I learnt how to do a blog and how to drag a picture.

Tom's Motto about learning

I like this motto because you have to stop and think, think, think before you act, otherwise you might make the bad decision.

Joshua's Motto about learning

Never stop working because you may lose a day or second. If you work you will succeed to have your dream job.

Learning to blog

I learnt how use glowtxt and embed it on my blog.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Learning how to use a blog on a computer.

We learnt how to post a picture on a blog.

Today I learnt about blogs. We did some pictures on the blog about leaning. It is so fun!

Willows Motto about learning

If you get given a challenge you always try and have a go. You never say no I don't want to do that you just give it a go.

Brydie Motto About Learning

If it's hard never give up. There are lots of challenges in life, you can work your problems out! Ask someone for help.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Emilie's Motto about learning

I think it is good to always be learning, because if you are always learning your vocabulary will expand and make life easier.

It's great to listen.

Listening to the next instruction 
 I learnt how to get started on a blog like write a new post and put a picture on there.

About ict blog

I'm laughing at a blog.

I learnt how to post to a blog. 

Ethan's Motto about learning

I wright Never Stop Trying because you should never give up in life or you will not get anywhere in life.

Monday, 13 May 2013

We are learning about how to blog.

I learnt about how to post on a blog. Also I learnt how to make a Glowtxt  pic.
Sam, Ethan, Cole and Tom are watching Carol show us what to do.

 I learnt how to make a Glowtxt and how to copy and paste it on to the blog, and I
 learnt that it was called embedding.

Sam's learning Motto

I like this Motto because if you quit you won't succeed in life, but if you don't quit you are more likely to  succeed in life.

Cole's motto about learning

I like this motto because you must think to learn to get better at things.